Thursday, November 8, 2007

Mallory's "Uh Oh spaghettios"

I hope everybody can hear this. It is super cute! I thought I had recorded her saying it a few more times, but I guess I didn't. Bad auntie tessa. *Sigh*

Diego and Lolah

Picture number one Lolah is trying to get something under the rug it was super cute. Picture 2 & 3 are Lolah being a Good girl on the ride down to Brenda's. She was quiet and layed down the whole 3 hours there and back. Picture 4 I thought Diego and Lolah needed some snacks when Lolah and I got home. The last picture, aawwhh isn't it cute? This was later Wednesday night after I had gotten home. Diego really must've missed his Lolah.




At the scary vet

Daniel and Chloe seemed to sleep just fine all day. Although, Lolah who wasn't feeling well thought it was the worst thing Ever! She would cry and cry until I would sit by her then she would go lay down. She loves me.


There was one more picture of Mallory with no panties on, but I decided she's a little too young to do nudity scenes. Yes and for dad. And you never no what kind of creeps may see this. But if I remember right mommy was telling her how to pose for the picture ("where's Mallory's tummy"). What do parents teach their children these days?


Nap Time


Where is the...?


Look Kitties!

Hmmm what's in THAT bag.
Guess what mom? I'm on the table...again.

Somebody woke up